After landing that Scaley Cheshire Carp I struggled to get back on the lake, for the next few Saturdays all 7 pegs on the lake were taken and I had to fish elsewhere, on the Saturdays I could find a peg it was always the last one and the inevitable blank would follow. April and May always seem to be the busiest months of the year, coming out of winter the carp are more catchable but it comes with an increase in anglers on the bank and I was facing an impossible task on such a small lake. May, what should be the most productive month of the year, saw me not fishing at all.

At the beginning of June I figured anglers would have started dropping off and the lake might be worth another look so the first Saturday in June I dropped on for the afternoon. Fortunately there was a decent swim available and on previous trips I’ve seen carp showing strongly in one particular area out in front of the swim. I put a rod on that area and another tight against the oob far bank, both baited with Scopex Squid

I got quite a surprise when 3 hours in my left hand Delkim
Once my Unhooking Mat
I phoned my mate Darren who was in the next peg along and he wound in to come and help with the pics, because the swim was enclosed by trees and bushes it was difficult to find any area with decent light, in the end we had to do the pics right at the front of the swim because it was the only area we could find where I could get away with no shadows in the frame. With the pics done I returned my prize to the water and the carp swam off strongly. I fished on after that but no more runs came my way, not that I was bothered after a result like that.
Once again I struggled to get a peg again after my result, I’m sure I could have had more from this lake but it was impossible to string together consecutive sessions due to the lack of swims and far too many anglers also wanting to fish there. I conceded defeat in the end, I needed to be somewhere I could get a decent peg on a regular basis so I moved on. I had a decent choice of waters to move too but I ended up spending July and August back on the catfish lake I’d left in March, as far as the carp were concerned the lake was an easy runs water but it also held a handful of twenties and I was hoping I could wade through the singles and doubles and pick one up. Fortunately for me I did and my two months on the catfish lake will be my next blog entry.
Tight Lines