Welcome to my first update of 2015 and a bit of a plug for my expanding Youtube Channel. It’s been the toughest winter I can remember in a long time. I started my winter carp fishing during the Christmas holidays and I’ve been fishing most weekends since the New Year with precious little to show for my efforts. I did escape the 2015 blankers club in February with a small common around 6-7lb and I followed it up a week later with a hatrick of carp, all around the same size and all caught from a popular Cheshire club/runs water on my usual winter carp tactics.

In early March I decided to make a start on one of my target waters for 2015 and I appear to have made a mistake in doing so because it’s remained stubbornly cold and the carp still haven’t started coming out yet despite it now being April.
During my long blanking period I’ve been busy working on and upgrading my Youtube Channel so I can feature some videos to support this blog. This is something I’ve been meaning to do far ages and with the blanks piling up I’ve had plenty of time to get things done. I’ve completed the artwork for the channel and it fits in nicely now with this blog. I’m not going to switch over and become a video blogger, I much prefer to write things down rather than try and present on camera, I just find it easier to get my points across in writing and in all honesty I’m not one of these people who loves the sound of their own voice (lol).
I’ve been improving my video editing skills over the winter and early spring and there are already several clips and a few short films already available to watch. The best so far was the last one I uploaded a week or so back which was my first try at actually narrating a short film using a script, please have a watch, take a look at the other clips on the channel too, like the videos and subscribe, it all helps me gage if it’s actually worthwhile doing.
As well as having a go at narrating a video I’ve also done one on how to coat lead weights and this one has also been embedded into the making leads page of this blog, it’s quite a long one at around 18 minutes but it’s well worth watching right through if you’ve never tried to coat your own carp leads before.
I’ll be adding more clips as and when I have enough material, currently I’m carrying a little Go Pro Video Camera
Tight Lines