The good old British weather, as fishermen we just can’t escape it and if you’re a regular bankside visitor or you’re new to Angling and plan to be fishing a lot, then sooner or later you’ll find yourself caught in the rain and you’ll get a good soaking.

It took me many years to realise the value of a decent set of fishing waterproofs and when I started researching what I was going to buy I wasn’t particularly happy with the choice. I couldn’t find a decent set from a fishing tackle company, not many sold them and those that did were quite expensive. Fortunately internet carp forums were getting very popular and it was quite easy to find out what other anglers were doing to get round the lack of choice and it became obvious very quickly that army surplus gear was very very popular and with good reason, you could get top quality waterproofs for fishing from an army surplus store for not a lot of money and Ebay was the place to go for them and funnily enough it still is today.
British Army Goretex Overtrousers
My first purchase was Army Goretex Overtrousers

Rip Stop Army Poncho
My second ‘fishing waterproofs’ purchase was a Rip Stop Army Poncho

Neither the goretex overtrousers or the army poncho have any real thermal qualities but they are both windproof and they will help a little with wind chill at certain times of the year. Both are simply light weight garments that are designed to keep our soldiers dry and to pack away into a very small space and this makes them the perfect and certainly the best fishing waterproofs you can buy. Like many anglers before I’ve benefitted from using army surplus waterproofs, even today you’ll be hard pushed to find these kind of quality waterproofs at such a reasonable price. I wouldn’t use anything else to keep me dry when I’m out fishing in the rain and I’d highly recommend them if you go fishing regularly.
As well as my YouTube Channel you can also follow me on Instagram now. I use Instagram to post pics from the fishing sessions I do in between filming and writing this blog so just Follow Me to see what I'm up to at the moment, you may just get an idea of what will be in my future fishing videos too.
Until next time
tight lines.